This week will be an easy blog for you!! We are going back to current events. Please find a current event that pertains to the business of sports and entertainment. Give me a detailed summary of the article and explain (in detail) how it pertains to this class. I'll be looking for great articles and articulate write-ups. Be prepared to present on Friday!! Remember your blog format!!
Business Law
This week will be an easy blog for you!! We are going back to current events. Please find a current event that pertains to business law (this week we are talking about torts and lawsuits). Give me a detailed summary of the article and explain (in detail) how it pertains to this class. I'll be looking for great articles and articulate write-ups. Be prepared to present on Friday!! Remember your blog format!!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Week 5 blog DUE 5/8/09
Sports Marketing
Remember your blog assignment this week is to view the Google Sketchup tutorial videos. Instructions are on your Stadium assignment sheet. View each video and tell me what you learned to do in each one.
Business Law
This week you are going to research the search and seizure laws in MN. Research when police have the right to search your house, vehicle, person, etc. When do police need a search warrant and when don't they? Please give me information about what can be used as evidence from a search and what can't.
While in school, students can have their lockers and cars searched. Do you agree with this policy, why or why not? You should be able to come up with about 3/4 of a page of information.
Remember your blog assignment this week is to view the Google Sketchup tutorial videos. Instructions are on your Stadium assignment sheet. View each video and tell me what you learned to do in each one.
Business Law
This week you are going to research the search and seizure laws in MN. Research when police have the right to search your house, vehicle, person, etc. When do police need a search warrant and when don't they? Please give me information about what can be used as evidence from a search and what can't.
While in school, students can have their lockers and cars searched. Do you agree with this policy, why or why not? You should be able to come up with about 3/4 of a page of information.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Week 4 Blog DUE 5/1/09
Sports/Entertainment Marketing
Check out the above article and give me a 1/2 page summary. What do you think about this concept? Do you think it will be successful? Why or why not?
Business Law
This week you are going to be doing some general research on the death penalty. Please answer the following questions: (don't forget to site your sources). The more details the better!!
- How many states currently have the death penalty? List them
- What is the average time fram from sentencing till the actual execution?
- Who is usually allowed to witness an execution? This will vary by state, so make sure you tell me what state you are using in your example.
- How many women have been put to death in the last 100 years? Give me an example
- What are the methods currently used to execute someone?
-Are there any states that are currently looking at eliminating the death penalty? How about states that are thinking about adding the death penalty?
Check out the above article and give me a 1/2 page summary. What do you think about this concept? Do you think it will be successful? Why or why not?
Business Law
This week you are going to be doing some general research on the death penalty. Please answer the following questions: (don't forget to site your sources). The more details the better!!
- How many states currently have the death penalty? List them
- What is the average time fram from sentencing till the actual execution?
- Who is usually allowed to witness an execution? This will vary by state, so make sure you tell me what state you are using in your example.
- How many women have been put to death in the last 100 years? Give me an example
- What are the methods currently used to execute someone?
-Are there any states that are currently looking at eliminating the death penalty? How about states that are thinking about adding the death penalty?
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Week 3 Blog DUE 4/24/09
Please remember to label your assignments correctly. Please see week 2 blog for format.
Please read the about article and give me a detailed summary of the article. Tell me, do you think sports organizations can benefit from using social media..why or why not? Also, give me two additional ways sports can use social media or other technology to help promote their team.
Log onto the the site for the Minnesota Suprem Court. Give me a brief description of the courts...who is on it, how long have they been on, who will retire, what is the political party do the members fo the court belong to? Who is an ex professional footbal player? Who is the chief justice?
Then find a case that the MN Supreme Court will hear or has just heard. Tell me about the case....story and ruling. You are not doing a case brief on this one.
Please read the about article and give me a detailed summary of the article. Tell me, do you think sports organizations can benefit from using social media..why or why not? Also, give me two additional ways sports can use social media or other technology to help promote their team.
Log onto the the site for the Minnesota Suprem Court. Give me a brief description of the courts...who is on it, how long have they been on, who will retire, what is the political party do the members fo the court belong to? Who is an ex professional footbal player? Who is the chief justice?
Then find a case that the MN Supreme Court will hear or has just heard. Tell me about the case....story and ruling. You are not doing a case brief on this one.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Blog Week 2 DUE 4/17/09
Hi Everyone and welcome to the blog!! I know you are excited to get started to here is what I need you to do. You need to find the class you are in and then follow the instructions.
For each blog assignment please put the following at the top of the page
Blog Week
Make sure that you label your assignment and list your sources. I am always looking for detailed information that shows what you know!!
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
So, you've had some disscussion as to what marketing is and how it relates to the sports/entertainment industry. Find an article that talks about the marketing of sports/entertainment. The article can be online or in a publication. Read the article and write a summary and how it relates to this class.
For each blog assignment please put the following at the top of the page
Blog Week
Make sure that you label your assignment and list your sources. I am always looking for detailed information that shows what you know!!
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
So, you've had some disscussion as to what marketing is and how it relates to the sports/entertainment industry. Find an article that talks about the marketing of sports/entertainment. The article can be online or in a publication. Read the article and write a summary and how it relates to this class.
Business Law
We have started talking about laws and how they got their start. Find an article that relates to anything law. The article can be online or in a publication. Read the article and write a summary and how it relates to this class.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Week 8 Blog DUE 3/20/09
Please read the above article on social networking. Give a summary of the article and how it relates to the class. Should be at least a complete 1/2 page. Then, list reasons how you think social networking can help an entrepreneur. Please make sure to site your sources.
Using and listing at LEAST three good resources, describe advertising laws that pertain to advertising and children. Name and describe the laws and when they were introduced. Also find a current event article relating to children and advertising and describe it. Don't forget to list all your sources. Here is a link to help get you started. I'm looking for a full page of information, not counting your resources.
Sales and Marketing
This week, one of the industries we are studying is the real estate industry. This industry has been struggling very much in the past couple of years. Find an article that talks about how real estate agents are dealing with this poor market. What are they suggesting to clients to sell their houses faster. What are some things both the real estate agents and home owners can do to make their houses more appealing. Don't forget to list your sources.
Please read the above article on social networking. Give a summary of the article and how it relates to the class. Should be at least a complete 1/2 page. Then, list reasons how you think social networking can help an entrepreneur. Please make sure to site your sources.
Using and listing at LEAST three good resources, describe advertising laws that pertain to advertising and children. Name and describe the laws and when they were introduced. Also find a current event article relating to children and advertising and describe it. Don't forget to list all your sources. Here is a link to help get you started. I'm looking for a full page of information, not counting your resources.
Sales and Marketing
This week, one of the industries we are studying is the real estate industry. This industry has been struggling very much in the past couple of years. Find an article that talks about how real estate agents are dealing with this poor market. What are they suggesting to clients to sell their houses faster. What are some things both the real estate agents and home owners can do to make their houses more appealing. Don't forget to list your sources.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Week 7 Blog DUE 3/13/09
Its back.......and its due on Friday the 13th!!
This week we are talking about employees, hiring, training, and scheduling. Read the above article and take the quiz......provide me with the answer to each question and why you answered this way. Then find an article about how to find good employees. Provide a link to the article, summarize the article, and tell me what information you found important. Don't forget to label the blog appropriately.
Above is a link to the top 100 advertising campaigns of all time. Choose 5....look them up and describe them to me. Then ad why you believe this was a great ad campaign.
Sales and Marketing
The above article discusses the seven habit of highly effective sales people. List and describe each habit and tell me why you think its important. Then tell me which habit you think is the most important and why.
This week we are talking about employees, hiring, training, and scheduling. Read the above article and take the quiz......provide me with the answer to each question and why you answered this way. Then find an article about how to find good employees. Provide a link to the article, summarize the article, and tell me what information you found important. Don't forget to label the blog appropriately.
Above is a link to the top 100 advertising campaigns of all time. Choose 5....look them up and describe them to me. Then ad why you believe this was a great ad campaign.
Sales and Marketing
The above article discusses the seven habit of highly effective sales people. List and describe each habit and tell me why you think its important. Then tell me which habit you think is the most important and why.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Week 5 Blog DUE 2/27/09
OK, so I have a sort of different blog for you this week. For marketers, advertisers, and entrepreneurs it is vital that they know who their customers are. If they don't, they might not be in business very long. So I'm going to ask you several questions that a marketer might ask if they were trying to find out what type of customer you are.
Copy and paste the questions into a work document and then answer them as honestly as you can. Remember to label your paper appropriately!!
1. When was the last time you ate fast food?
2. When you eat fast food, how much do you usually spend?
3. When was the last time you bought your own article of clothing?
4. How much was it? What was it?
5. Do you own a credit card?
6. Do you have a facebook page?
7. How often do you check your facebook page?
8. How many texts per month do you text?
9. Do you have to pay for your own phone bill?
10. What do you like to do on weekends?
11. Do you have a part time job? How many hours a week do you work?
12. If so, what type of job is it?
13. How many hours a week do you watch TV? What types of Programs do you watch?
14. How many hours a week are you online? What types of things do you do online?
15. Where do you get your news?
Newpapers, tv, online, I don't watch the news
16. Do you watch any online programs?, so what do you watch?
17. How many times a week does your family eat dinner together?
18. How many hours a week do you spend talking with family member?
19. How many hours a week do you spend talking with friends? inlcude texting.
20. Are you male or female?
21. Are you a sophomore, junior, or senior?
22. What is your favorite part about high school?
23. When was the last time you were really intriqued or inspired in the classroom? What were you doing?
Copy and paste the questions into a work document and then answer them as honestly as you can. Remember to label your paper appropriately!!
1. When was the last time you ate fast food?
2. When you eat fast food, how much do you usually spend?
3. When was the last time you bought your own article of clothing?
4. How much was it? What was it?
5. Do you own a credit card?
6. Do you have a facebook page?
7. How often do you check your facebook page?
8. How many texts per month do you text?
9. Do you have to pay for your own phone bill?
10. What do you like to do on weekends?
11. Do you have a part time job? How many hours a week do you work?
12. If so, what type of job is it?
13. How many hours a week do you watch TV? What types of Programs do you watch?
14. How many hours a week are you online? What types of things do you do online?
15. Where do you get your news?
Newpapers, tv, online, I don't watch the news
16. Do you watch any online programs?, so what do you watch?
17. How many times a week does your family eat dinner together?
18. How many hours a week do you spend talking with family member?
19. How many hours a week do you spend talking with friends? inlcude texting.
20. Are you male or female?
21. Are you a sophomore, junior, or senior?
22. What is your favorite part about high school?
23. When was the last time you were really intriqued or inspired in the classroom? What were you doing?
Monday, February 16, 2009
Week 4 Blog DUE 2/20/09

Hi Everyone Its midterm this week, and that means that any work that is not turned in due to absences is due by this Thursday, no exceptions. If you are beyond two days past your absence, you will take late points. Also, if you just didn't turn something in, get it in, even if you have to take late points.....its still worth it!!
Blog For All Classes
Please find a current event that relates to your class. The article should be from within the last week. Write at least a paragraph summary on the article and a paragraph on how it relates to the class. I will be checking the quality of your writing as well as the connections you make to your class. Some of you have been a little brief with your writing, so make sure you show me your best work.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Week 3 Blog DUE 2/12/09
Reasearch, list and describe 5 of the top "at-home" businesses
What are they- name and describe the business
Investment (time and money)
What is needed to start the business
What makes this business a good business in general
What makes this business a good "at-home" business
Make sure you site your sources
Check out the article above. It talks about Walmart's advertising campaign for the holiday season 2007. Write a brief summary of the article and answer the following
- Why is Walmart making saving money a good thing
-What economic factors happening right now would suggest that we should start thinking about saving money
-Give an example of one of their taglines. What does it mean? Did it work? Why or why not? Find an updated article and tell me if Walmarts new approach is working. Remember to site your sources.
Sales and Marketing
One of the concepts we talk alot about in marketing is the concept of promotion. Getting the word out about your product or service through conventional or unconventional means. Many times during your life you will have the opportunity to promote yourself, so we bring up the topic of self promotion. Sometimes it is referred to as networking. Think about all the times you may have to promote yourself: jobs, scholarship, dates, colleges, interviews, marriage proposal, inlaws, or even impressing your teacher during class!! Think about how you would promote yourself as someone I should give 100 points extra credit to. I'm not going to give those points out, but for this assignment do the following:
Look up the concept of self promotion and tell me what you find online (what sort of things pop up on your search). Describe 3 and list your sources
Create a tagline or slogan for yourself which best describes why you would deserve the 100 points
Make sure to describe your tagline
Finally, write a paragraph or listing of reasons (realistic) as to why I should pick you.
Reasearch, list and describe 5 of the top "at-home" businesses
What are they- name and describe the business
Investment (time and money)
What is needed to start the business
What makes this business a good business in general
What makes this business a good "at-home" business
Make sure you site your sources
Check out the article above. It talks about Walmart's advertising campaign for the holiday season 2007. Write a brief summary of the article and answer the following
- Why is Walmart making saving money a good thing
-What economic factors happening right now would suggest that we should start thinking about saving money
-Give an example of one of their taglines. What does it mean? Did it work? Why or why not? Find an updated article and tell me if Walmarts new approach is working. Remember to site your sources.
Sales and Marketing
One of the concepts we talk alot about in marketing is the concept of promotion. Getting the word out about your product or service through conventional or unconventional means. Many times during your life you will have the opportunity to promote yourself, so we bring up the topic of self promotion. Sometimes it is referred to as networking. Think about all the times you may have to promote yourself: jobs, scholarship, dates, colleges, interviews, marriage proposal, inlaws, or even impressing your teacher during class!! Think about how you would promote yourself as someone I should give 100 points extra credit to. I'm not going to give those points out, but for this assignment do the following:
Look up the concept of self promotion and tell me what you find online (what sort of things pop up on your search). Describe 3 and list your sources
Create a tagline or slogan for yourself which best describes why you would deserve the 100 points
Make sure to describe your tagline
Finally, write a paragraph or listing of reasons (realistic) as to why I should pick you.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Week 2 Blog DUE 2/6/08
Well, you made it through the first week of the blog. I hope you learned something from the article that you read. Some of you lost points on your week 1 blog for not labeling your paper properly. Remember I need the following;
Name 1st and last
Blog Week
Site your sources
This is a link to to the top 30 entrepreneurs under 30. Choose three of them and give me a summary of their business and how they got their start. Then tell me what characteristic do you think they posses that allows them to be successful.
Do a little research (at least three sources) on how alcohol and tobacco advertising has changed in the last 30 or so years. What regulations have changed what products can be advertised on different media. Pictures will ad to your discussion. You should EASILY be able to get 3/4 of a page of information. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE. With three required sources, you will need to put your thoughts in your own words. Be descriptive and complete...but most of all have fun with this interesting topic.
Sales and Marketing
Read the attached article on Buzz Marketing. concept has been generating alot of "buzz" in the marketing industry. Summarize the article making sure you define buzz marketing. Why is it important?Do you believe buzz marketing can work? How?Give an example of specifically how you could create "buzz" about the product you are designing for your product development project. I need at least a solid 1/2 page.
Name 1st and last
Blog Week
Site your sources
This is a link to to the top 30 entrepreneurs under 30. Choose three of them and give me a summary of their business and how they got their start. Then tell me what characteristic do you think they posses that allows them to be successful.
Do a little research (at least three sources) on how alcohol and tobacco advertising has changed in the last 30 or so years. What regulations have changed what products can be advertised on different media. Pictures will ad to your discussion. You should EASILY be able to get 3/4 of a page of information. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE. With three required sources, you will need to put your thoughts in your own words. Be descriptive and complete...but most of all have fun with this interesting topic.
Sales and Marketing
Read the attached article on Buzz Marketing. concept has been generating alot of "buzz" in the marketing industry. Summarize the article making sure you define buzz marketing. Why is it important?Do you believe buzz marketing can work? How?Give an example of specifically how you could create "buzz" about the product you are designing for your product development project. I need at least a solid 1/2 page.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Week 1 Blog DUE 1/30/09
Welcome to the blog!! Each week you will come to this site and follow the directions. Some weeks you may have to find an article, some weeks you may read an article I find for you, other times you may analyze a many other things. Please put the following on the top of your assignment every week. Blogs are worth 10 points each week.
Blog Week
Title of Blog
Please find a current event article that pertains to this class. The article can either be online or from a publication. Write the name of the article at the top of the page, and include a link to the site of your article. Read the article.....Provide me with a summary of the article and a small paragraph on how the article relates to the class.
Please find a current event article that pertains to this class. The article can either be online or from a publication. Write the name of the article at the top of the page, and include a link to the site of your article. Read the article......Provide me with a summary of the article and a small paragraph on how the article relates to the class.
Sales and Marketing
Please find a current event article that pertains to this class. The article can either be online or from a publication. Write the name of the article at the top of the page, and include a link to the site of your article. Read the article....Provide me with a summary of the article and a small paragraph on how the article relates to the class.
Blog Week
Title of Blog
Please find a current event article that pertains to this class. The article can either be online or from a publication. Write the name of the article at the top of the page, and include a link to the site of your article. Read the article.....Provide me with a summary of the article and a small paragraph on how the article relates to the class.
Please find a current event article that pertains to this class. The article can either be online or from a publication. Write the name of the article at the top of the page, and include a link to the site of your article. Read the article......Provide me with a summary of the article and a small paragraph on how the article relates to the class.
Sales and Marketing
Please find a current event article that pertains to this class. The article can either be online or from a publication. Write the name of the article at the top of the page, and include a link to the site of your article. Read the article....Provide me with a summary of the article and a small paragraph on how the article relates to the class.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Week 9 Blog DUE 1/16/08
Please remember to label your assignments correctly. Some of you are not putting enough information on your papers.
Your blog assignment this week is to find out all you can about jury duty in the state of Minnesota. What is jury duty, what types of cases do most people hear on jury duty, who can serve on a jury, how is one selected for jury duty, how long can you serve on jury duty, how many times can you be selected for jury duty, how can you be released from jury duty, how are you selected from the pool to a jury, are you paid for jury duty, how much, what happens to your job/school when you are on jury duty? You should be able to write at least a 1/2 page of material.
Your assignment this week is to find a current marketing event. How are businesses using marketing to survive the economy, how is customer service playing a larger role in business, how are companies improving their image after layoffs.....are some examples. Make sure you tell me your source, summary, and how it relates to this class. Be very complete in your information. Some of you are being way too brief.
Your assignment this week is to find a current sports/entertainment marketing event. Superbowl Ads, how do the golden globes translate into the oscars, why aren't people watching awards shows, new series, why are some series being cancelled...are some options for you. Make sure you tell me your source, summary, and how it relates to this class. Be very complete in your information. Some of you are being way too brief.
Your blog assignment this week is to find out all you can about jury duty in the state of Minnesota. What is jury duty, what types of cases do most people hear on jury duty, who can serve on a jury, how is one selected for jury duty, how long can you serve on jury duty, how many times can you be selected for jury duty, how can you be released from jury duty, how are you selected from the pool to a jury, are you paid for jury duty, how much, what happens to your job/school when you are on jury duty? You should be able to write at least a 1/2 page of material.
Your assignment this week is to find a current marketing event. How are businesses using marketing to survive the economy, how is customer service playing a larger role in business, how are companies improving their image after layoffs.....are some examples. Make sure you tell me your source, summary, and how it relates to this class. Be very complete in your information. Some of you are being way too brief.
Your assignment this week is to find a current sports/entertainment marketing event. Superbowl Ads, how do the golden globes translate into the oscars, why aren't people watching awards shows, new series, why are some series being cancelled...are some options for you. Make sure you tell me your source, summary, and how it relates to this class. Be very complete in your information. Some of you are being way too brief.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Week 8 Blog DUE 1/9/09

OK everyone its time to get back into the swing of things!! Here is your blog assignment for this week.
Business Law
Business Law
Please read the article above about a negligence case regarding the death of actor John Ritter. Describe three interesting facts about the case and then also fill out a case brief for this case. Some of you are not providing me with enough details in your case briefs....I will be looking for details and thoughts.
Sales and Marketing
As you may have read or heard about, the market for homes is in a slump. Houses are taking much longer to sell or not selling at all. If you are unfamiliar with this read the attached article.
I want you to do some research on some of the tactics realators are using to sell houses. Are they lowering prices, doing more open houses, or baking cookies to attract buyers. Find and describe five methods and remember to site your sources.
Sports/Entertainment Marketing
This week our focus turns to the entertainment industry, specifically The Golden Globe Awards.
THey will be broadcast this Sunday
So we are going to take a look back......Please do the following:
What is the history of the The Golden Globes (when did it start, what is its purpose, etc.)?
Why are The Golden Globes an important awards show?
Who does the nominating of the actors, etc.?
What categories are covered?
What is Miss Golden Globe? Who was supposed to be Miss Golden Globe this year. Who is historically chosen as Miss Golden Globe?
What are the benefits of presenting an award? Being nominated? Winning an award?
Make sure to site your sources!!!
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