Sunday, April 29, 2007

Week 4 Blog Due 5/4/07

Fashion Marketing

Examine the following websites

In your own words tell me the following
  • What are these two websites? Give detailed descriptions
  • Who are their target market? Why?
  • What type of merchandise do they sell?
  • In what type of space are they located?
  • Based on the websites, how are their stores laid out?
  • If you were a local designer, how could you get your merchandise in the store?
  • Would you shop there? Why or why not?
  • There is a huge trend toward "indie" designs for everything from clothing to home. Why do you think that should be able to write a paragraph on this one.

Sales and Marketing

Please read the following article:

This article talks about guerilla marketing which we will be discussing this week in class.

Write a summary for this article and making sure to tell me why guerilla marketing is important. Then, go to google images and find 5 expamples of guerilla marketing (there were 46,000 hits when I looked it up, so you should easily be able to find 5). Copy the picture to your paper and write the following:

  • What the guerilla marketing is
  • Company
  • Do you think it was effective...why or why not

Be know details count!!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Week 3 Blog DUE 4/27/07

Ok, So this got posted a little late..... you'll still have plenty of time to get it finished!!


Please read the attached article:

Read about the lucrative, but highly unpredictable world of fashion forcasting. Summarize the article and talk about the risks and stress involved in having this kind of job. Then find a blog or company that deals in forecasting and tell me what you think some of the next great fashion trends will be. I can't pay you six figures, but it will be fun to hear what you come up with!! Make sure you site your sources.

Some suggestions for sites to look at: (based in MN!!)


One of the concepts we talk alot about in marketing is the concept of promotion. Getting the word out about your product or service through conventional or unconventional means. Many times during your life you will have the opportunity to promote yourself, so we bring up the topic of self promotion. Sometimes it is referred to as networking. Think about all the times you may have to promote yourself: jobs, scholarship, dates, colleges, interviews, marriage proposal, inlaws, or even impressing your teacher during class!! Think about how you would promote yourself as someone I should give 100 points extra credit to. I'm not going to give those points out, but for this assignment do the following:
  • Look up the concept of self promotion and tell me what you find online (what sort of things pop up on your search). Describe 3
  • Create a tagline or slogan for yourself which best describes why you would deserve the 100 points
  • Make sure to describe your tagline
  • Finally, write a paragraph or listing of reasons (realistic) as to why I should pick you.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Week 2 Blog Assignment Due 4/20/07

Remember your blog assignments are due at the beginning of class time........that includes your printing!!

Read the attached article on Fashion Marketing 101:

Write a brief summary of the article. and answer the questions below
How do fashion marketers help designers?
How do fashion marketers help retailers?
What do you think are some of the most important characteristics of fashion marketers?
Which one do you feel is the most important? Why?

Read the attached article on Buzz Marketing.

This concept has been generating alot of "buzz" in the marketing industry. Summarize the article making sure you define buzz marketing.
Why is it important?
Do you believe buzz marketing can work? How?
Give an example of specifically how you could create "buzz" about the product you are designing for your product development project.

Friday, April 6, 2007


Welcome to the blog!! Here is where you will find your weekly homework assignment. You may also find extra credit assignments and other random bits of information that I find interesting. The weekly assignment is due at the beginning of the hour on the day it is due. Each assignment is worth roughly 10 point. If it is turned in after the beginning of the hour, the most it will be worth is 7 points. If it is handed in on Monday, it will be worth 5 points. You will see how quickly these points can add up.....or not add up!!

Please turn in your assignment in the following way:
  • Your name and hour
  • Blog Week
  • Blog Title
  • Make sure to site your sources if you are researching

Fashion Marketing

Find a blog that discusses topics for your class. This can be accomplished by doing a google search on Fashion Blogs. Read several entries and answer the following questions:

What is the name of the blog? Make sure you provide the name and a link

Who writes the blog: name, profession, etc. Is it one person or a group
Where is the blogger from
How frequently (in general) do they blog
What types of topics do they blog about
Copy and paste one entry to your paper, to give us an idea of topics discussed.
Did you like the blog? why or why not
What could we use the blog for in class
Remember to come prepared to share your results with the class!!

Happy Blogging


Find a blog that discusses topics for your class. This can be accomplished by doing a google search on Marketing Blogs. Read several entries and answer the following questions:
What is the name of the blog make sure you provide the name and a link
Who writes the blog: name, profession, etc. Is it one person or a group
Where is the blogger from
How frequently (in general) do they blog
What types of topics do they blog about
Copy and paste one entry to your paper, to give us an idea of topics discussed.
Did you like the blog? why or why not
What could we use the blog for in class
Remember to come prepared to share your results with the class!!

Happy Blogging