Monday, April 23, 2007

Week 3 Blog DUE 4/27/07

Ok, So this got posted a little late..... you'll still have plenty of time to get it finished!!


Please read the attached article:

Read about the lucrative, but highly unpredictable world of fashion forcasting. Summarize the article and talk about the risks and stress involved in having this kind of job. Then find a blog or company that deals in forecasting and tell me what you think some of the next great fashion trends will be. I can't pay you six figures, but it will be fun to hear what you come up with!! Make sure you site your sources.

Some suggestions for sites to look at: (based in MN!!)


One of the concepts we talk alot about in marketing is the concept of promotion. Getting the word out about your product or service through conventional or unconventional means. Many times during your life you will have the opportunity to promote yourself, so we bring up the topic of self promotion. Sometimes it is referred to as networking. Think about all the times you may have to promote yourself: jobs, scholarship, dates, colleges, interviews, marriage proposal, inlaws, or even impressing your teacher during class!! Think about how you would promote yourself as someone I should give 100 points extra credit to. I'm not going to give those points out, but for this assignment do the following:
  • Look up the concept of self promotion and tell me what you find online (what sort of things pop up on your search). Describe 3
  • Create a tagline or slogan for yourself which best describes why you would deserve the 100 points
  • Make sure to describe your tagline
  • Finally, write a paragraph or listing of reasons (realistic) as to why I should pick you.

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