Monday, September 10, 2007

Week 2 Blog DUE 9/14/07

Alright Everyone, here is your week 2 blog. Make sure that you look to find the blog assignment that is for your class.

Sports and Entertainment Marketing
The Minnesota Twins will have a new ballpark in the next couple of years. What will that ballpark be like compared to the metrodome? What amenities will it offer tiket holders? What promotions are they doing? What are they doing for season ticket holders?

Go online and find the website of the new twins ballpark and answer the above questions. Remember to put your name, hour, and Friday's date at the top of your page. Your paper should also include the title of the assignment.

Business Law
This week we will be working with a chapter on Ethics. What is your definintion of ethics? Go online and find three ethical issues associated with the world of work. Describe them and tell me how you might react if you were put in a situation that dealt with that issue.

Remember to put your name, hour, and Friday's date at the top of your page. Your paper should also include the title of the assignment.

Fashion Marketing
Amanda Bynes and Sarah Jessica Parker have recently launched clothing lines with the retail outlet Steve and Barry's. Log onto ,, and and answer the following questions.
  • Check out the bitten and dear websites and look at some of the collections looks
  • Describe the looks of the clothes. Who are the target market of each collection
  • Check out the Steve and Barry's site. What types of things do they offer on their site
  • How are they promoting bitten and dear
  • Why would Sarah Jessica Parker and Amanda Bynes choose to work with Steve and Barry's? Justify your answer.
  • Do you think the lines will be a success? Why or why not.

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