Sunday, April 27, 2008

Week 4 Blog DUE May 2

Hi Guys here is your next blog. Remember to label your blogs correctly (see previous posts for format) and to get them done by classtime on Friday!!! Have a great week.

Sales and Marketing

Marketing research is a very important part of marketing, especially when deciding whether or not you want to introduce a new product into the market. Use the web to find articles about marketing research. After you have finished reading a few articles, write a summary on you findings. Include the answers to the following questions in your summary: What is marketing research? Why is it important to businesses? What are some ways in which market research is conducted? Here is a site to get you started
Make sure to site your sources!!!

Fashion Marketing

Please read the above article on how people are dealing with having less money to spend on clothes. Do you agree with the suggestions listed? If you found yourself with less money to spend on clothes what would you do? What would you skip? What would you absolutely have to buy. I'm looking for about 1/2 a page on this one!!

Sports Marketing
Find a current event dealing with sponsorship. Use the google news function that I have shown you in class. Summarize the article and tell me how it relates to the class. Remember to tell me the title of the article and the source. I'm looking for 1/2 a page on this one!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Week 3 Blog DUE 4/23/08

All right we are already in week three. By now you should have the process of the blogs down. Remember to include the following information

Blog Week
Title and Sources

Have a great week!!

As you may have read or heard about, the market for homes is in a slump. Houses are taking much longer to sell or not selling at all. If you are unfamiliar with this read the attached article.

I want you to do some research on some of the tactics realators are using to sell houses. Are they lowering prices, doing more open houses, or baking cookies to attract buyers. Find and describe five methods and remember to site your sources.

Prom is this week!!! Many of you have been planning for months. But have you ever thought about the business of prom? Take a minute and research the average cost of prom (break it down), where in the country prom is most expensive, what are some of the outlanding things people have done for prom? Find a website that is totally devoted to prom and describe it making sure to list your sourc. Make sure we can understand what is on the site without logging on!!

Sports/Entertainment Marketing

So the rumor is that the Seattle Super Sonics are supposedly the above article and tell me where they are moving to and why. How do the citizens of Seattle feel about the move? It is suggested that they are moving to Oklahoma City....what would you suggest for a name and a mascot? Why would you suggest that?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Blog Assignment Week 2 DUE 4/18/08

Ok, here is your second try at a blog assignment. Remember the requirements:

Date or week of blog
Title of assignment
Site your sources

Sounds easy, huh?

Sales and Marketing

Read the attached article on Buzz Marketing.

This concept has been generating alot of "buzz" in the marketing industry. Summarize the article making sure you define buzz marketing. Why is it important?Do you believe buzz marketing can work? How?Give an example of specifically how you could create "buzz" about the product you are designing for your product development project.

Fashion Marketing
Amanda Bynes and Sarah Jessica Parker have recently launched clothing lines with the retail outlet Steve and Barry's.
Log onto ,, and and answer the following questions.

Check out the bitten and dear websites and look at some of the collections looks
Describe the looks of the clothes.
Who are the target market of each collection
Check out the Steve and Barry's site.
What types of things do they offer on their site
How are they promoting bitten and dear
Why would Sarah Jessica Parker and Amanda Bynes choose to work with Steve and Barry's? Justify your answer.
Do you think the lines will be a success? Why or why not.
Are there any new lines from celebrities being promoted on Steve and Barry's?

Sports and Entertainment Marketing
The Minnesota Twins will have a new ballpark in the next couple of years. What will that ballpark be like compared to the metrodome? What amenities will it offer tiket holders? What promotions are they doing? What are they doing for season ticket holders?

Go online and find the website of the new twins ballpark and answer the above questions.

Remember to put your name, hour, and Friday's date at the top of your page. Your paper should also include the title of the assignment.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Blog 1 (4th Term!!) DUE 4/11/08

Welcome to the blog!!! Is it finally spring? Hope you all had a fabulous spring break and are now looking forward to a great spring term. There is alot going on this term with prom, testing, and the general excitement that comes with the end of the school year. Your weekly blog assignments are due each Friday at the beginning fo the hour. I usually post your assignment on Sunday, so that gives you a full week to complete the task. Make sure you check the blog often as there may be some opportunities for extra credit.

Please turn in your blog each week with the following information included (failure to do so could result in a dedution of points)

- name

- hour

- date (put the blog week and the friday due date)

- title of blog

-list any articles read

- list any sources used

Blog for week 1 (all marketing classes!!)

Your first assignment today is quite easy. Simply find a current event (no more than a month old!!) and write a summary of the article and how you feel it relates to your business class. Requirements for this assignment are

Name on paper



Blog Number

Title and website of your source