Welcome to the blog!!! Is it finally spring? Hope you all had a fabulous spring break and are now looking forward to a great spring term. There is alot going on this term with prom, testing, and the general excitement that comes with the end of the school year. Your weekly blog assignments are due each Friday at the beginning fo the hour. I usually post your assignment on Sunday, so that gives you a full week to complete the task. Make sure you check the blog often as there may be some opportunities for extra credit.
Please turn in your blog each week with the following information included (failure to do so could result in a dedution of points)
- name
- hour
- date (put the blog week and the friday due date)
- title of blog
-list any articles read
- list any sources used
Blog for week 1 (all marketing classes!!)
Your first assignment today is quite easy. Simply find a current event (no more than a month old!!) and write a summary of the article and how you feel it relates to your business class. Requirements for this assignment are
Name on paper
Blog Number
Title and website of your source
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