Monday, September 22, 2008

Week 4 Blog DUE 9/26/08

Some of you have been slacking when it comes to a couple of things. Make sure you are using the proper format for turning in your blogs....we've been over this many times, make sure if you are handwriting your blogs that I can read it. Also, make sure that you are providing me with details. Some of you scratch out a couple of lines at the beginning of class and class it good, while others do complete research and give me a proper write up. Those of you choosing the first option are losing points on your blogs. Please also remember to list your sources.

Sports Marketing

Find a current event dealing with sponsorship. Use the google news function that I have shown you in class. Summarize the article and tell me how it relates to the class. Remember to tell me the title of the article and the source. I'm looking for 1/2 a page on this one!!

Fashion Marketing

Please read the above article on how people are dealing with having less money to spend on clothes. Do you agree with the suggestions listed? If you found yourself with less money to spend on clothes what would you do? What would you skip? What would you absolutely have to buy. I'm looking for about 1/2 a page on this one!!


This is a link to to the top 30 entrepreneurs over 30. Choose three of them and give me a summary of their business and how they got their start. Then tell me what characteristic do you think they posses that allows them to be successful.

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