Monday, December 17, 2007
Week 6
Monday, December 10, 2007
Week 5 Blog Assignment DUE 12/14/07
Sports Marketing-
look up the website: Check it out and answer the following quesitons
- what is the website selling
- what else besides merchandise are they "selling"
- what is the price range
- describe three uses for their products (check out their gallery for inspiration)
- would something like this work at the local level? why or why not
Check out the article above. It talks about Walmart's advertising campaign for the holiday season 2007. Write a brief summary of the article. Answer the following
- Why is Walmart making saving money a good thing
-What economic factors happening right now would suggest that we should start thinking about saving money
-Give an example of one of their taglines. What does it mean? Will it work? Why or why not?
Towards the end of the week, we will be discussing starting your own online business. Please do some internet research and discuss with me (that means list and describe) five things that are important for starting an online business. I've researched this and there is tons of information out there. This should be an easy blog for you!!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Week 4 Blog Assignment Due 12/8/07
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
This week you will be checking out the website It is a site that works with athletes and compaies to find sponsor match ups. Please explore the site and answer the following questions.
- What is the difference between sponsorship and endorsement?- How did this site get its start?
- What is the purpose of the site?
- Does the site work with any particular types of sports?
- What are some examples of sponsorship matchups?
- How would being a part of this site benefit the athletes and sponsors?
Please read the above article on the future of advertising. Of course you must write a brief summary and tell me if you think the items mentioned in the article could happen. Then tell me two things you think will happen in the future as relates to adveritising.
Visit the Federal Express website ( Read the information provided on how to track a package online.
-Where is the drop off location closest to WHS.
-What other services are offered by this distributor
-What companies are affiliates of FedEx? Why would they be affiliates?
-Fedex has formed a partnership with Kinkos. Describe some benefits of this partnership for both Fedex adn Kinkos.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Week 3 Blog Assignment DUE 11/30
So Torii Hunter is history as a Twin and is now an Angel. Do some research (at least two sources) as to how this will affect the twins in the long run. I'm looking for both how it will affect the team's structure and the money generating power of the twins. Can it be made up with a new stadium? The columnists were abuzz with this subject all weekend, so you should find plenty to talk about!! Your goal should be to read a few articles and affectively put together some great information you can share with the class. Make sure to label your assignment and list your sources!!
Do a little research (at least three sources) on how alcohol and tobacco advertising has changed in the last 30 or so years. What regulations have changed what products can be advertised on different media. Pictures will ad to your discussion. You should EASILY be able to get 1 good page of information. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE. With three required sources, you will need to put your thoughts in your own words. Be descriptive and complete...but most of all have fun with this interesting topic.
So the day after Thanksgiving (Black Friday) has come and gone. More shoppers were out shopping than ever before (I know, I was there!!) but they are spending less. Check out the article below about cyber monday, the day most shoppers will supposedly be shopping online. Is it hype or the truth. Read the article and give me your thoughts in 5-6 sentences. This is an easy blog, so I will expect all of you to turn this in!! Don't forget to label your assignment.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Week 2 Blog Assignmnet DUE 11/21/07

Monday, November 12, 2007
Week 1 Blog Assignment Due 11/16/07
for your first blog assignment you are to find a current event that relates to your subject matter. By current, I mean within the last month. For the sports marketing students that does not mean sport scores or movie ads. I'm looking for articles that offer a perspective about what we will talk about in class. For sports students that could be about stadium news, new teams, awards, new season tv show prospects, etc. In other words, the BUSINESS of Sports.
You are to do the following
Find an article and remember the source
At the top of your page put the name of the article and the source where you found your article
Write a brief summary of the article and tell me how it will relate to our class. I'm looking for about 1/2 of a page.
for your first blog assignment you are to find a current event that relates to your subject matter. By current, I mean within the last month. For Advertising that would mean a story about new types of advertising, new advertising campaigns, etc.
You are to do the following
Find an article and remember the source
Write a brief summary of the article and tell me how it will relate to our class. I'm looking for about 1/2 of a page.
for your first blog assignment you are to find a current event that relates to your subject matter. By current, I mean within the last month. For E-Commerce that would mean an article about doing business online.
You are to do the following
Find an article and remember the source
Write a brief summary of the article and tell me how it will relate to our class. I'm looking for about 1/2 of a page.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Week 9 Blog DUE 11/2/07
Please do the following: You have used a blog weekly in your class this term, now its time for you to find another blog that speaks about your business topic.
Find a blog that discusses topics for your class. This can be accomplished by doing a google search or by going on blog tracking sites such as Read several entries and answer the following questions:
What is the name of the blog make sure you provide the name and a link
Who writes the blog: name, profession, etc. Is it one person or a group
Where is the blogger from
How frequently (in general) do they blog
What types of topics do they blog about
Copy and paste one entry to your paper, to give us an idea of topics discussed.
Did you like the blog? why or why not
What could we use the blog for in class
Remember to come prepared to share your results with the class!!
Happy Blogging
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Week 8 Blog Due 10-26-07
Sport Marketing
We are finishing up talking about the sporting industry and we will do that by talking a little about endorsements. Look up the following and don't forget to site your sources
- Who makes the most money from much
- Who is the highest paid woman athele when it comes to endorsement
- What are the biggest endorsements to get (company, product)
- Pick three sports and name their top two endorser and who they signed some of their biggest contracts with?
- How much does Michael Vick stand to lose, or did lose, from endorsements?
Business Law
Look up the website for the consumer product safety commission: Tell me the types of information that is available on the website ( I want lots of specifics), describe what types of products this agency deals with, give me specifics as to two products that have been recalled and why, and finally tell me how this website can help consumers.
Fashion Marketing
Examine the following websites your own words tell me the following:
What are these two websites? Give detailed descriptions
Who are their target market? Why?
What type of merchandise do they sell?
In what type of space are they located?
Based on the websites, how are their stores laid out?
If you were a local designer, how could you get your merchandise in the store?
Would you shop there? Why or why not?
There is a huge trend toward "indie" designs for everything from clothing to home. Why do you think that should be able to write a paragraph on this one.
Monday, October 15, 2007

Monday, October 8, 2007
Week 6 Blog Due 10-12-07
Sports Marketing
- look up the website: Check it out and answer the following quesitons
- what is the website selling
- what else besides merchandise are they "selling"
- what is the price range
- describe three uses for their products (check out their gallery for inspiration
- would something like this work at the local level? why or why not
Business Law
This week you are going to be doing some general research on the death penalty. Please answer the following questions:
- How many states currently have the death penalty? List them
- What is the average time fram from sentencing till the actual execution?
- Who is usually allowed to witness an execution? This will vary by state, so make sure you tell me what state you are using in your example.
- How many women have been put to death in the last 100 years? Give me an example
- What are the methods currently used to execute someone?
-Are there any states that are currently looking at eliminating the death penalty? How about states that are thinking about adding the death penalty?
Fashion Marketing
Target and Gap have recently started working with up and coming designers to create unique lines for them to sell in their stores. Please research this trend and see if you can answer the following questions:
- why would retail institutions take a risk with a new designer?
- can you find any information that states this has been successful for retailers?
- Do you think doing this is a good stratey?
-Are there any other retailers that are doing the same thing or something similar? Give examples
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Week 4 Blog Assignment DUE 9/28/07
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
This week you will be checking out the website It is a site that works with athletes and compaies to find sponsor match ups. As we talked about in class, sponsorships are not the same as endorsements. Please explore the site and answer the following questions.
- What is the difference between sponsorship and endorsement?
- How did this site get its start?
- What is the purpose of the site?
- Does the site work with any particular types of sports?
- What are some examples of sponsorship matchups?
- How would being a part of this site benefit the athletes and sponsors?
Business Law
There is a big issue going on in the state of Minnesota right now. The issue deals with cameras in the court room. It is coming before the Minnesota Supreme Court. Read the article below and discuss the issue. That means that you describe the issue, talk about the pros and cons, give your own opinion, and draw your conclusions. Your final papr should be about one page in length. This is a very current issue in our state, its important that you stay informed.
Fashion Marketing
Check out the site below that describes some of the new trends for fall 2007. The site lists ten trends. You are to choose five of them and do the following:
- Describe the trend
- What is interesting about this trend? What don't you like about this trent?
- Talk about how the trend will be translated to the mass retailers
- Will this trend be successful in the long run? Why or why not?
- Find a picture online of the trend and copy/paste it to your paper
Monday, September 17, 2007
Week 3 Blog Due 9/21/07
Ok, so the emmy's were on last night (Sunday). for those of you unaware, the emmy's are an awards show for TV. Please research the emmy's and answer the following questions. You can check out for help
- History of the emmys. When did the start, where are they held, anything else you can think of
- What are the career benefits of being a winner? A presenter?
- Why do celebrities always tell us who made the dress/tux they are wearing?
- How many people tuned in to watch the emmy's? How does this compare to other years?
- List 3 fun facts about the emmy's
Go online and research everything you can about the Minnesota Supreme Court. See if you can find the following:
- How many justices to we have and does the balance of power lean toward the democrats or the republicans?
- Who is the State Supreme Court Justice? Who appointed him/her
- List 3 interesting facts about the state supreme court
- Describe an example of a case that is before the state supreme court
Read the attached article on Fashion Marketing 101:
Write a brief summary of the article. and answer the questions below
How do fashion marketers help designers?
How do fashion marketers help retailers?
What do you think are some of the most important characteristics of fashion marketers?
Which one do you feel is the most important? Why?
Monday, September 10, 2007
Week 2 Blog DUE 9/14/07
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
The Minnesota Twins will have a new ballpark in the next couple of years. What will that ballpark be like compared to the metrodome? What amenities will it offer tiket holders? What promotions are they doing? What are they doing for season ticket holders?
Go online and find the website of the new twins ballpark and answer the above questions. Remember to put your name, hour, and Friday's date at the top of your page. Your paper should also include the title of the assignment.
Business Law
This week we will be working with a chapter on Ethics. What is your definintion of ethics? Go online and find three ethical issues associated with the world of work. Describe them and tell me how you might react if you were put in a situation that dealt with that issue.
Remember to put your name, hour, and Friday's date at the top of your page. Your paper should also include the title of the assignment.
Fashion Marketing
Amanda Bynes and Sarah Jessica Parker have recently launched clothing lines with the retail outlet Steve and Barry's. Log onto ,, and and answer the following questions.
- Check out the bitten and dear websites and look at some of the collections looks
- Describe the looks of the clothes. Who are the target market of each collection
- Check out the Steve and Barry's site. What types of things do they offer on their site
- How are they promoting bitten and dear
- Why would Sarah Jessica Parker and Amanda Bynes choose to work with Steve and Barry's? Justify your answer.
- Do you think the lines will be a success? Why or why not.
Monday, September 3, 2007
First Blog!!! DUE 9/7/07

- Find an article and remember the source
- In a word document put your name, hour and date in the upper right hand corner of your paper
- At the top of your page put the name of the article and the source where you found your article
- Write a brief summary of the article and tell me how it will relate to our class. I'm looking for about 1/2 of a page.
I have some creative assignments planned for this term, so I'll see you right back here next week!! MS. O
Friday, May 25, 2007
Week 8 Blog DUE 6/1/07
Fashion Interview
This assignment will give you an idea of the fashion industry in recent years. You will have a chance to talk with parents and other adult friends and family about their teenage fashion look!! You will need to do the following
· Compose five (5) questions you could ask an adult about fashion during their teenage years
· Interview two adults using your questions. Write down their answers
· In a one page document create the following to be turned in:
o Name and relation of the person you are interviewing
o Questions and answers of the interview
o Answers, in complete sentences to the following (for each adult):
§ What is your opinion of their style
§ Compare/Contrast your style to the style of the interviewees
§ If you have any pictures of the adult fashions you could scan and add to your paper, that would be a bonus!!!
Sales and Marketing
Please read the above blog entry of a blog I've really enjoyed reading as of late. In this entry, John Hagel talks about marketing in the future. Summarize the article and tell me two ideas he has that you think are the most realistic. Don't forget to tell me why you think so!!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Week 7 Blog DUE May 25
Ok, so I'm not obsessed with Sarah Jessica Parker, but I'm loving her strange connection with the Steve and Barry's stores. I'm also interested in all the promotion that is surrounding the launch of her new clothing line on June 7th. So....
Log onto the SJP bitten clothing line website at Also log onto the Steve and Barry's site for comparison.
- Check out the sjp bitten site. Look at the preview of over 400 items she will have for sale.
- Describe the look of the clothes. who is the target market? would you buy them....why or why not?
- Check out the Steve and Barry's website. What do they offer on their site
- Why would sjp choose to work with Steve and Barrys? Do you think it is a good fit? Why or why not?
- Do you think the line will be successful? Why or why not?
Read this article on the seven steps to marketing your new product. List each step and tell me the following:
Brief description of the step
Why it is important
Specifically, how would you apply these steps to the new product you are developing?
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Week 6 Blog DUE 5/18/07
Fashion Marketing and Sales/Marketing
Find a current article relating to your class (it should be an article and not an ad or a picture). It can be about any topic discussed in class or get creative.....but it has to relate to class.
- Attach a link to the article
- At the top of your paper, write the name of the article, the author, the date the article was published, and the source
- Write a short summary paragraph
- Write a short paragraph as to how this article relates to your class
- Be prepared to present these on Friday!!!
Monday, May 7, 2007
Week 5 Blog Assignment
- You are very well behaved for the sub
- You keep this little secret to yourselves....make everyone look it up and figure it out for themselves.
We'll see you next week!!!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Week 4 Blog Due 5/4/07
Examine the following websites
In your own words tell me the following
- What are these two websites? Give detailed descriptions
- Who are their target market? Why?
- What type of merchandise do they sell?
- In what type of space are they located?
- Based on the websites, how are their stores laid out?
- If you were a local designer, how could you get your merchandise in the store?
- Would you shop there? Why or why not?
- There is a huge trend toward "indie" designs for everything from clothing to home. Why do you think that should be able to write a paragraph on this one.
Sales and Marketing
Please read the following article:
This article talks about guerilla marketing which we will be discussing this week in class.
Write a summary for this article and making sure to tell me why guerilla marketing is important. Then, go to google images and find 5 expamples of guerilla marketing (there were 46,000 hits when I looked it up, so you should easily be able to find 5). Copy the picture to your paper and write the following:
- What the guerilla marketing is
- Company
- Do you think it was effective...why or why not
Be know details count!!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Week 3 Blog DUE 4/27/07
Please read the attached article:
Read about the lucrative, but highly unpredictable world of fashion forcasting. Summarize the article and talk about the risks and stress involved in having this kind of job. Then find a blog or company that deals in forecasting and tell me what you think some of the next great fashion trends will be. I can't pay you six figures, but it will be fun to hear what you come up with!! Make sure you site your sources.
Some suggestions for sites to look at: (based in MN!!)
One of the concepts we talk alot about in marketing is the concept of promotion. Getting the word out about your product or service through conventional or unconventional means. Many times during your life you will have the opportunity to promote yourself, so we bring up the topic of self promotion. Sometimes it is referred to as networking. Think about all the times you may have to promote yourself: jobs, scholarship, dates, colleges, interviews, marriage proposal, inlaws, or even impressing your teacher during class!! Think about how you would promote yourself as someone I should give 100 points extra credit to. I'm not going to give those points out, but for this assignment do the following:
- Look up the concept of self promotion and tell me what you find online (what sort of things pop up on your search). Describe 3
- Create a tagline or slogan for yourself which best describes why you would deserve the 100 points
- Make sure to describe your tagline
- Finally, write a paragraph or listing of reasons (realistic) as to why I should pick you.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Week 2 Blog Assignment Due 4/20/07
Read the attached article on Fashion Marketing 101:
Write a brief summary of the article. and answer the questions below
How do fashion marketers help designers?
How do fashion marketers help retailers?
What do you think are some of the most important characteristics of fashion marketers?
Which one do you feel is the most important? Why?
Read the attached article on Buzz Marketing.
This concept has been generating alot of "buzz" in the marketing industry. Summarize the article making sure you define buzz marketing.
Why is it important?
Do you believe buzz marketing can work? How?
Give an example of specifically how you could create "buzz" about the product you are designing for your product development project.
Friday, April 6, 2007
Please turn in your assignment in the following way:
- Your name and hour
- Blog Week
- Blog Title
- Make sure to site your sources if you are researching
Fashion Marketing
Find a blog that discusses topics for your class. This can be accomplished by doing a google search on Fashion Blogs. Read several entries and answer the following questions:
What is the name of the blog? Make sure you provide the name and a link
Who writes the blog: name, profession, etc. Is it one person or a group
Where is the blogger from
How frequently (in general) do they blog
What types of topics do they blog about
Copy and paste one entry to your paper, to give us an idea of topics discussed.
Did you like the blog? why or why not
What could we use the blog for in class
Remember to come prepared to share your results with the class!!
Happy Blogging
Find a blog that discusses topics for your class. This can be accomplished by doing a google search on Marketing Blogs. Read several entries and answer the following questions:
What is the name of the blog make sure you provide the name and a link
Who writes the blog: name, profession, etc. Is it one person or a group
Where is the blogger from
How frequently (in general) do they blog
What types of topics do they blog about
Copy and paste one entry to your paper, to give us an idea of topics discussed.
Did you like the blog? why or why not
What could we use the blog for in class
Remember to come prepared to share your results with the class!!
Happy Blogging
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Week 9 Blog Assignment Due 3/30/07
Have a great week everyone. I've really enjoyed this term and I hope you have too!!
Please read the above article on the future of advertising. Of course you must write a brief summary and tell me if you think the items mentioned in the article could happen. Then tell me two things you think will happen in the future as relates to adveritising.
Please read the above blog entry of a blog I've really enjoyed reading as of late. In this entry, John Hagel talks about marketing in the future. Summarize the article and tell me two ideas he has that you think are the most realistic. Don't forget to tell me why you think so!!
Please read the above article on teen entrepreneurial ideas. Summarize the article and tell me two ideas you think would work best and why. Also, tell me what you could do to be entrepreneurial as a teen. Maybe some of you are already doing something!!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Week 8 Blog Assignment DUE 3/23/07

Some areas to search are:
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Week 7 Blog Assignment DUE 3/16/07
Please read the following article on Sheepwalking....
Please write a summary of the article and answer the following questions. This is more of a philosophical assignment than it is about business and marketing. However, concepts from the article can be applied to life and the business world.
- Do you believe in the concept of "sheepwalking"? why/why not
- Is the concept of "sheepwalking" applicable at WHS? why/why not and give examples
- What can schools do to avoid the pitfalls of "sheepwalking"
- Have you seen "sheepwalking" in action? give an example
- Are you a "sheepwalker"? why/why not
- What can you do to avoid becoming a "sheepwalker"
Only two more blog assignments to go!!!
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Week 6 Blog Assignment DUE 3/9/07

Sunday, February 25, 2007
Week 5 Blog Assignment DUE 3/2/07
This week you will be researching how advertising affects children. Find at least two different articles, but you are welcome to use more. Please summarize your articles and then answer the following questions:
- How does advertising affect children?
- What do they say are the negative implications of advertising on children? Are there any positives?
- What laws have been passed that affect advertising to children?
Don't forget to site your sources
This week we will be starting our marketing research unit. Do some research on different types of marketing research used by companies.
- List and describe 5 different kinds of marketing research
- Make sure to discuss the pro/cons of each to marketers
- Tell me something you learned from doing this research
Make sure you site your sources
List and describe 5 of the top "at-home" businesses
- What are they- name and describe the business
- Investment (time and money)
- What is needed to start the business
- What makes this business a good business in general
- What makes this business a good "at-home" business
Make sure you site your sources
Monday, February 19, 2007
Week 4 Blog Assignment DUE 2/23/07
Use the Internet or other publication to find a current event article that pertains to your class. By current I mean within the last month. You should also try and find an article that is appropriate for what we are talking about in class. I would prefer that the article be from an industry publication. You may not use someone's blog (which we know is generally opinion generated).
Read the article
Write a brief summary of the article
Write how this article pertains to our class (be specific using terms from the class)
Label your paper in the following manner
- Your Name
- Hour
- Date (use 2/23/07)
- Name of Article
- Author
- Date of Article
- Name of publication and website (if your source is from the web)
Monday, February 12, 2007
Week 3 Blog Assignment Due 2/16/07
Do a little research (at least three sources) on how alcohol and tobacco advertising has changed in the last 30 or so years. What regulations have changed what products can be advertised on different media. Pictures will ad to your discussion. You should EASILY be able to get 1 good page of information. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE. With three required sources, you will need to put your thoughts in your own words. Be descriptive and complete...but most of all have fun with this interesting topic.
Sales and Marketing
The green industry is making a huge splash across all industries: from cars, to cleaning products, to the construction industry. Research the green industry and tell me (in your own words) why this industry is becoming so mainstream. Name and discuss two contributing factors to this growth. Then name and describe five new green products that are being introduced into the market. Why do you think thye are being introduced.
P.S. If you don't know what "green" is......Look it up!!
List and describe, in four short paragraphs, four ways in which businesses can get financing for their new business. Which one is the most difficult to get and why. Don't forget to site your sources.
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Week 2 Blog Assignment Due 2/9/07
Read Seth Godin's post on suberbowl ads. It is called Understanding the Superbowl. Be sure to click on the links within the post, especially the Apple ad of 1984. This was THE ad that changed Superbowl and other event advertising. If you haven't read George Orwell's 1984, you might not get the ad, but watch it anyway.
Find a blog or article that discusses Superbowl ads and aswer the following questions:
- What does Seth Godin say about Superbowl ads in general?
- Which ads does your blog/article say were the best?
- Which ads does your blog/article say were the worst?
- Which one was the most expensive?
- Which company had the most ads?
- What new characters were introduced that may continue to be popular after the Superbowl?
- Which company had the most trouble getting their superbowl ads on the air?
- Which ad did you like the most?
Read this article on the seven steps to marketing your new product. List each step and tell me the following:
- Brief description of the step
- Why it is important
- Specifically, how would you apply these steps to the new product you are developing?
Find a website that discusses the desirable characteristics of an entrepreneur. List the top 10 and for each one describe why that particular characteristic is important. Then tell me which of these characteristics you possess and why. Also tell me why or why not you would make a good entrepreneur.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Finding Marketing Bloggers
Find a blog that discusses topics for your class. This can be accomplished by doing a google search or by going on blog tracking sites such as Read several entries and answer the following questions:
- What is the name of the blog make sure you provide the name and a link
- Who writes the blog: name, profession, etc. Is it one person or a group
- Where is the blogger from
- How frequently (in general) do they blog
- What types of topics do they blog about
- Copy and paste one entry to your paper, to give us an idea of topics discussed.
- Did you like the blog? why or why not
- What could we use the blog for in class
Remember to come prepared to share your results with the class!!
Happy Blogging