Sunday, April 29, 2007

Week 4 Blog Due 5/4/07

Fashion Marketing

Examine the following websites

In your own words tell me the following
  • What are these two websites? Give detailed descriptions
  • Who are their target market? Why?
  • What type of merchandise do they sell?
  • In what type of space are they located?
  • Based on the websites, how are their stores laid out?
  • If you were a local designer, how could you get your merchandise in the store?
  • Would you shop there? Why or why not?
  • There is a huge trend toward "indie" designs for everything from clothing to home. Why do you think that should be able to write a paragraph on this one.

Sales and Marketing

Please read the following article:

This article talks about guerilla marketing which we will be discussing this week in class.

Write a summary for this article and making sure to tell me why guerilla marketing is important. Then, go to google images and find 5 expamples of guerilla marketing (there were 46,000 hits when I looked it up, so you should easily be able to find 5). Copy the picture to your paper and write the following:

  • What the guerilla marketing is
  • Company
  • Do you think it was effective...why or why not

Be know details count!!

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